About Yiu-Keung Lee
Education & Work History:
After graduating with an MFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1995, I continued to teach at several institutions in Michigan including University of Michigan, Residential College in Ann Arbor, Eastern Michigan University, Henry Ford Community College, Schoolcraft College, Oakland Community College, and the College of Creative Studies.
Artist Statement:
My recent body of work is an expansion of a piece created in collaboration with an elementary school student. As a result of this collaboration I created a piece of sculpture based on the child’s collage. It is the transformation between the spontaneous artwork of children and the creative process an artist engages in. This small collage was turned into a larger wall installation called “Biomorphs."
“Biomorphic” is a topic I have been using as a teaching tool in my classrooms even before the collaboration. The way forms are displayed on a wall provide challenges between gravity and the forms and further allows the complex relationship between the wall and the viewer. The relationships are convoluted yet have driven my creative process.